[Privacy Policy]

I strongly believe in your fundamental privacy rights. I do not use your data or sell it.

About my apps

Burraco Points Taker

As of now, no data is collected, everything is securely stored on your device.

When the iCloud update will arrive, all the data will be used solely for the purpose of letting you sync your data in a safe place (if you wish to do that). You can ask to opt-out at any given moment.

Penguin Run: Escape from Ice

Penguin Run does not gather any data.

Invisible Ping Pong

Invisible Ping Pong does not gather any data, everything is stored securely between devices. The “motion” data is processed on the device only. Multiplayer only works if you grant permission to access local networks (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/multipeerconnectivity).

Coming Soon

This page will be updated soon.

Any doubts? Feel free to ask.

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